Before we dive into the numbers, we just want to take a moment and thank God for a great 2024! We transitioned from a portable church with no building to an established church with a permanent home. We rejoice for the opportunities this home has provided: hundreds of fresh starts, numerous baptisms, an established and safe Kids Space, a place for our Community Groups, a Discovery room where people can learn more about our church, a place for the youth to meet every week and much more. We hope you take a moment and thank God for the blessings He has given our church in 2024 and the expectancy we have for 2025 and beyond.

Our total average attendance grew 36% from 549 in 2023 to 745 in 2024. It is amazing what a permanent home has meant for establishing retention among our church family. As well as looking back over an incredible year, we thank God for a new home that has allowed us to see more people come to Christ.

Along with our overall attendance growth, our SOCO Kids Department grew 25% from 2023 to 2024. We now have over 130 children being checked in weekly to SOCO Kids. The future of our church is learning about Jesus on a weekly basis and growing their faith through our Kids ministry.

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In 2024, 571 people raised their hand to make a fresh start with God. We never want to lose sight of what God is doing through SOCO Church! We are committed to pointing souls to Christ, creating a place where people can give their lives to Jesus every single Sunday. Additionally, we saw 43 people go public with their faith through baptism.

SOCO is growing! And that is evident in the number of first-time guests we have every week. While we know numerous people have visited SOCO Church for the first time, 519 people actually filled out a connect card and let us know it was their first time here. That averages out to over 10 people every single week. First-time guests are up 66% from 2023-2024. So remember as you come and go on Sundays there is a good chance that your interactions may be with someone joining us for the very first time.

Discovery is our space for people new to our church to discover their people, their place, and their purpose. 184 people attended Discovery in 2024, up 56% from 2023. This means 184 people raised their hand saying not only did they want to know more about our church but are committed to taking a next step, whether that is knowing God more intimately, joining a community group, or joining the SOUL Team.

We had 470 individuals join at least one community group in 2024. While that is a 3% growth, community groups are not keeping pace with the growth of our church. Our challenge is to ensure every person finds a community group in which they can be rooted. So if you call SOCO home and are not in a community group, we pray that you accept this challenge. Community groups are the lifeblood of our church and we want every single person to feel connected.

We thank God for those of you who invest financially in SOCO Church. Because of you, we were able to move into a permanent home in 2024. This is one of the biggest blessings our church has ever had. In 2024 our church family gave $1,783,100.35. This includes all offerings given to general tithes and offerings, specific funds, and mission events throughout the year. One major trend we want to bring to your attention is that, while our attendance has grown over 35%, our giving has actually gone down 13% in the past year. Our commitment to SOCO Church is to keep the renewed vision in front of you, offer transparency and accountability in our finances, update our church family on the mission work we do, and speak about biblical principles of giving. Vision moves at the speed of generosity and we want to make sure we tell the story of our church in a context where people feel motivated to invest in that vision.

While our overall giving went down 13% in 2024, our missions giving actually went up 22%, from $117,074 to $147,695. SOCO's commitment to our community and mission work will not stop. Currently, SOCO gives to global missionaries, church planters, Project Zero, For The Love, and much more. In 2024, when tornadoes touched down in Benton County, SOCO assembled a team to care for basic necessities for our community and even provided lunch and dinner to those displaced for a week. During our annual Serve Day in July, over 150 volunteers provided assistance to our community. In November, we made sure over 3,000 people in Northwest Arkansas had a Thanksgiving meal. We have plans to do even more for our community in 2025. Thank you for investing your time, talents, and treasure to make a difference in our community.

In 2024, our net income was $133,234.49, compared to a net income of $866,561.50 in 2023. We thank God every day for having a permanent home; however, it came at a cost. As is the case with most remodel projects, it cost substantially more than we planned and took longer than expected. Along with the buildout expenses, we have also taken on more monthly expenses with a higher rent payment, utilities, facility care, and repairs. While the decrease from 2023 to 2024 was substantial, it was a necessary investment for the long-term sustainability of SOCO Church.
Our theme for 2025 is "WHAT IF?" When is the last time you have allowed yourself to dream, asking, "What If?" and letting God fill in the blanks. We want to ask that question with big faith while also sharing with you what are believing God for, and committing to, in 2025.
We are believing that God will allow us to be completely debt free, including all expenses from the remodel as well as the land we own on 14th St. and Been Rd.
We are committed to transparency and accountability in our finances. We will be holding a churchwide business meeting on (February 24) where we will share more in-depth financial figures, introduce our Pastoral Advisory Committee and our Financial Committee.
We will also be having an external review of our finances in 2026 for 2025 data. This review will allow us to understand where deficiencies may be present and where we can have better controls in place.
We are introducing a financial committee in 2025 that will have monthly reviews of our profit and loss statements, balance sheets, budgets, and line item reviews to ensure transparency.
We believe that we will feed 5,000 people this holiday season, furthering our reach to help ensure no one goes hungry for Thanksgiving.